{"id":19028,"date":"2022-03-11T15:06:20","date_gmt":"2022-03-11T15:06:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.garnishmusicproduction.com\/sampling-in-kontakt-and-maschine-part-1\/"},"modified":"2022-03-11T15:06:20","modified_gmt":"2022-03-11T15:06:20","slug":"sampling-in-kontakt-and-maschine-part-1","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.garnishmusicproduction.com\/sampling-in-kontakt-and-maschine-part-1\/","title":{"rendered":"SAMPLING IN KONTAKT AND MASCHINE PART 1"},"content":{"rendered":"
Kontakt 5<\/span> is the most amazing sampler I\u2019ve ever come across without a doubt. <\/span>It\u2019s an absolute powerhouse for<\/span> sound creation and comes with<\/span> a vast<\/span> library<\/span> of instruments covering everything from a full Classical Orchestra and<\/span> <\/p>\n 2.<\/span> Introduction to Kontakt<\/span><\/p>\n The Kontakt<\/span> Interface<\/span> is split<\/span> into 4 main areas:<\/span> K<\/span>ontakt 5 can be loaded into your host DAW in a variety of plugin formats<\/span> Before set up it’s worth thinking about the number of outputs you would <\/span>realistically use in any given scenario and setting the<\/span>m accordingly. For <\/span>example, if you are using a Kontakt multi as a full orchestra with individual<\/span> Kontakt instruments for each section it may be worth using multiple outputs.<\/span> But if you are using it for one or two sounds, say layering for sound design,<\/span> then<\/span> a stereo pair may be more apt.<\/span><\/p>\n 3. Configuring Outputs<\/span> 2. Change Quantity to 8 and leave Number of channels set to 2. This will create 8 stereo channels.<\/span><\/p>\n 3. If you are in standalone mode, then the Soundcard\/Host output option will show you your physical sound card 5.<\/span> Click<\/span> OK<\/span> and the channels will be created<\/span><\/p>\n 6.<\/span> Now to make these changes permanent click on the<\/span> Make<\/span> Default <\/span>button<\/span><\/p>\n The Presets\/Batch configuration drop down allows you fine tune your output<\/span> 4. What\u2019s in the Kontakt Rack?<\/span> \u2022<\/span> Midi Channel 1: Bass<\/span> The multi header (or<\/span> Multi<\/span> for short) provides information about the whole<\/span> 1.<\/span> Quickload Multi into the Same Slot.<\/span> The drop<\/span>–<\/span>down menu to the left<\/span> <\/p>\n 5. Loading Instruments<\/span><\/p>\n
authentic sounding acoustic pianos to<\/span> synthesisers,<\/span> percussion and vintage<\/span> drum machines. Kontakt is also the only sampler that can truly b<\/span>reak free of<\/span> the whole \u2018pitch and time\u2019 rulebook giving elastic audio a new definition.<\/span><\/p>\n
1.<\/span> Sampling Basics<\/span>
Whether you\u2019ve graduated from the Basic course here at Point<\/span> B<\/span>lank or<\/span> you\u2019ve dived in without studying here before it\u2019s worthwhile refreshing our<\/span> m<\/span>inds as to what exactly sampling is.<\/span> In week 1 we looked at the Sampling process where analogue sound is<\/span> converted into Digital via an A\/D converter. Back in the day, Hardware<\/span> Samplers were the only tools for the job and came with their own A\/D<\/span> converters<\/span> built in
\nYou would take a lead from whatever you were sampling, say a mixer with a turntable connected and plug it into the sampler\u2019s input. Using that tiny LCD screen and the tools on offer you would arm the sampler, cue the record to
the point you want to sample and then push record. Once converted to a digital audio waveform you could edit that sound\u2019s start and end point, maybe add a loop (we\u2019ll talk about these later) and then map the sound onto a key or
several keys on the keyboard so that you can play it.<\/span><\/p>\n
It’s worth noting that software samplers don\u2019t have an input stage, they use pre-sampled WAV\/AIFF files instead. This means that if you want to record sounds into your sampler you\u2019ll have to import audio via your Sequencer or a
dedicated Wave Editor.<\/span><\/p>\n
Software samplers come in many forms, there are a lot of them out there, but there is a reason why Kontakt is becoming the closest thing you can get to an industry standard. It’s a tool that gives you incredible flexibility and power. Kontakt can be used either standalone and in your sequencer and we’ll be looking at both of these.
\n(The Kontakt Interface)<\/span><\/p>\n
\u2022<\/span> The Browser to the left<\/span>
\u2022<\/span> The Main C<\/span>ontrol Panel section to the top<\/span>,<\/span>
\u2022<\/span> The rack containing<\/span> the Multi Instrument Header and<\/span> individual<\/span> instruments<\/span>
\u2022<\/span> The output section to the bottom. This can be a musical keyboard or an<\/span> Output mixer depending on the selection made from the Main Control<\/span> Panel<\/span><\/p>\n
(AU, VST, AAX) and in any configuration up to 32 outputs. Each DAW<\/span>
handles this differently so it’s advisable to look at the configuration in Kontakt<\/span>
5 first.<\/span><\/p>\n
Thankfully Kontakt mak<\/span>es this relatively painless and then allows you to save<\/span>
different default configurations depending on the type of use you want.<\/span><\/p>\n
On the Master Control Section, p<\/span>ush the Outputs button at the top of the<\/span> Kontakt screen to access the configuration section. Kontakt\u2019s outputs default<\/span> internally to 2 stereo and a single Surround (5.1<\/span>)<\/span> channel<\/span> \u2013<\/span> not your typical <\/span>music production setup to be honest, so let\u2019s so<\/span>rt that out. For our example <\/span>we’re going to configure the default for 8 stereo channels.
\nIt’s possible to delete individual channels by clicking in the top right hand part of the channel (it will highlight yellow) and pressing delete channel, but there’s a far quicker way of doing things!1. Click the Add Channel button<\/span><\/p>\n
outputs. If you are using a sound card with a limited amount of outputs <\/span>then it’s best to leave<\/span> the<\/span> Ascending output assignment<\/span> box<\/span> unticked. If you are in your host sequencer, then the dropdown box will<\/span> show you the available inputs to your sequencer.<\/span> NOTE: The list is<\/span> sequential and starts at the top with input 1 L then input 1 R, then input <\/span>2 L an<\/span>d input 2 R and so on down the list, regardless of what they<\/span>actually say!<\/span><\/p>\n
4.<\/span> Make sure that you have Delete existing channels before creating new <\/span>ones selected<\/span><\/p>\n
section further by saving its state for different formats.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Multi Instrument Header<\/span><\/p>\n
\nKontakt<\/span> is c<\/span>apable of receiving up to 64 individual MIDI channels (4 banks of<\/span> 16 channels)<\/span>, which<\/span> means that you can have up to 64<\/span> separate instruments <\/span>in a Multi<\/span>, each receiving on their own midi channel i.e.<\/span><\/p>\n
\u2022<\/span> Midi Channel 2: Piano<\/span>
\u2022<\/span> Midi Channel<\/span> 3: Strings<\/span><\/p>\n
rack as follows (left to right)<\/span><\/p>\n
of the Name field allows you to select a new Multi from the Quicklo<\/span>ad<\/span>
list replacing the existing.<\/span>
2.<\/span> Multi Name.<\/span> Enter a name by double<\/span>–<\/span>clicking the name field and<\/span>
typing in a new one. To edit a name, drag across the section to be<\/span>
changed, and overtype the changes.<\/span>
3.<\/span> Load Next\/Previous Multi into the Same Slot.<\/span> The left\/right<\/span> arrows<\/span>
to the right of the Name field select the previous or next Multi in the<\/span>
current folder on your hard drive. Selecting this replaces the existing<\/span>
4.<\/span> Choose Multi Page.<\/span> Choose one of 4 potential slots of 16<\/span>
Instruments. Each page can hold 16 Instr<\/span>uments or Banks, and each<\/span>
of these can have its own MIDI channel if you want.<\/span>
5.<\/span> Show\/Hide the global Script Editor.<\/span> The Script editor is a powerful<\/span>
and flexible scripting language that allows you to interact with the MIDI<\/span>
side of Kontakt. As you will see sh<\/span>ortly it is capable of doing some<\/span>
amazing things and lies at the heart of multi and instrument<\/span>
6.<\/span> Show\/Hide Aux Send strips<\/span>.<\/span> Shows or hides the Aux FX Send strips<\/span>
located below each Instrument in the rack<\/span> \u2013<\/span> we\u2019ll be looking at these<\/span>
next week<\/span>
7.<\/span> M<\/span>aximise \/<\/span> Minimize all Instrument Headers.<\/span> This<\/span> maximises or<\/span>
reduces the space that Instrument Headers take up vertically in the<\/span>
rack<\/span> \u2013<\/span> very handy if the screen is cluttered.<\/span><\/p>\n
KONTAKT 5<\/span> includes a comprehensive library overflowing w<\/span>ith top<\/span>–<\/span>quality<\/span>
instruments:<\/span> As well as the factory library containing<\/span> a selection of orchestra<\/span>l,<\/span>
band and synthesised instruments, there other libraries include the amazing<\/span>
Studio Drummer, The Giant piano, 3 beautifully sampled pianos and other<\/span>
libraries<\/span> catering for a wide range of styles and genres<\/span>
You can load an instrument from one of 3 places;<\/span>
1.<\/span> The Browser<\/span> \u2013<\/span> click on the instruments tab in the relevant library and<\/span>
then<\/span> double click<\/span> on<\/span> the<\/span> desired<\/span> instrument name or drag it into an<\/span>
empty space on the<\/span> rack<\/span>
2.<\/span> The Multi<\/span>–<\/span>Instrument Header<\/span> Load\/Save<\/span> menu<\/span> –<\/span> navigate to<\/span> Files\/<\/span>New<\/span>
Instrument from List<\/span> to access the<\/span> Quickload<\/span> menu and choose from<\/span>
the list i.e. Grand Pianos > Steinway D ><\/span> Steinway D Lite<\/span>
3.<\/span> An existing Instrument<\/span> \u2013<\/span> Drop down the Quickload menu (Down<\/span> arrow<\/span>
to the left of Instrument name) and navigate or click on the left\/right<\/span>
arrows to load the previous\/next instrument in the quickload list.<\/span>