Garnish Music Production School

Mark Jenkins – Synthesiser Expert

We’re lucky to have Mark Jenkins as one of our instructors on our Electronic Music Production Course. Not only is he a synthesiser expert, he’s authored many books on them including Analogue Synthesisers. He’s recently been commissioned to write a book on tablet music production, a topic he covered at our fantastic ‘Binge Thinking’ event last week. Mark delivers week six of the EMP course, and covers synthesisers ‘out of the box’ when our learners get to play on our vast collection of toys in our Analogue Suite, modular synthesis on our modular synthesiser, and the last part of the day is on tablet music production. Tablets are used more and more in music production and we are there already on our EMP course. They started out life used mostly as controllers, but as Mark said at our event, things change so fast, something very exciting comes out every six weeks so no week six of our EMP  course is the same!

What other music production school in the world do you have an analogue suite like ours, a modular synth and already content on tablet music production?

Given that Mark Jenkins is one of the leading experts in the world on synthesisers, he was asked to do an item on national television. Check out ‘The Gadget Show’ on channel 5 on Friday 9th September 2011 at around 8pm.

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