Garnish Music Production School

logic pro

Logic Pro – Play, Record, Repeat

Eddie Grey here with Garnish Music Production. Learn to use the transport functions in Logic in order to experience mastery with this DAW. Here are few tips to chew on…Experiment with them and see how they fit into your workflow.

Solo Tool

  • Useful for isolating regions and auditioning content in a busy Logic session. Very nifty tool.

Play From Selection

  • Highlight a region and hit SHIFT+Spacebar to play from that selection. You can highlight any region in your session and Logic will play from that specific area. Very cool.

Stop or Play from Last Location/Play (Numerical Keyboard)

  • “Stop or Play from last location” is unassigned by Default but when utilized it can be a very powerful tool that can save you loads of time.

Go to Position

  • Think of this as a memory locator. It can quickly get you to where you want to in a 2 or 3 step process. Hit forward-slash to access it. This is a must in my humble opinion.

Record Repeat

  • Great for Producers/Musicians who are recording themselves and like recording off the cusp.


Record Repeat

  • Very useful for Producers/Musicians who are recording themselves and want to layer their tracks. Good for recording vocals and back-ups.

Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position

  • Good for Guitarist or Piano layers who have to prep themselves & set up before recording an audio take.

Two of the most important things you can do in Logic is to learn how to NAVIGATE (so you see what you want to see on your screen) and learn how to transport (so you can hear what you want to hear on your speakers). I hope this helps. Pick one or two things from my list and start applying them today. Take care!!!!!

Eddie Grey is one of two T3 Apple Logic certified music production trainers, that feature on our Logic Production CourseLogic Producer Program, and Songwriting & Production Academy in our Music Production School in Los Angeles.

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