Garnish Music Production School

Ableton Live Clip

Ableton Live Clip (ALC) Files

A very important feature from Ableton and probably one of the least used are the Ableton Live Clip (ALC) files.

Ableton Live Clip (ALC) Files1

Organization is key, especially in today´s frenetic rhythms. ALC files can help us organize our library of sounds and have them ready to use in further projects.

These clip files can contain very important information, such as envelope settings, clip automation, clip properties, warp settings, channel settings, devices, effects or even third party plugins. They can be created by both audio and MIDI clips by simply dragging the clip to the user library. Noticed that we have previously created a folder named VI ALC FILES just by right-click in the user library and selecting new folder from the pop-menu.

Ableton Live Clip (ALC) Files2

In this way we can have a preview of our sound and we can also use the file in a new project later on.

Ableton Live Clip (ALC) Files3

Ableton Live Clip (ALC) Files4

In order to use the clip later one just drag it from the user library to an empty MIDI or audio channel.

We hope this article inspires you to start creating your own sounds library and update it regularly.

Watch our YouTube video below to learn more about Ableton Live Clip.

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