Online Songwriting Course | UK-based

Our songwriting instructor Alex Von Soos has just launched an online version of his flagship Hit Songwriting Course. The curriculum is exactly the same as in the “live” course outlined on our UK website. So if you’re feeling positive about the material on offer but cannot make the dates or travel to London, there’s now a more convenient and affordable alternative!

Of course, the live course is even more fun, but rather than having to wait (or save) for months for another opportunity to study with Alex, you can now get started straight way! Just click on the image below and you’ll be taken to Alex’s online course website called $ongwondo for a valuable free sample lesson (How to set up your workflow like the top writers) and the full course details including how to book. And if you prefer to attend our London course, see this page and hit the big red Book Now button! You can always grab the online version later at a very generous discount.


Online Songwriting