Garnish Music Production School

Beatport Launch Pro Account Edition

Once upon a time you had to stand around in smoky records shops to try and get your grubby mitts on the latest releases. Those were the days! It was even better if you knew someone who worked in the shop, as they may have saved a few ‘bullets’ for the chosen few under the counter. Those days may be well and truly over, but buying the latest promos has never been easier for up and coming DJs.

The internet was a massive game changer in not only how we listen to music, but also how we buy it. Producers and bands can now earn more money performing live than through record sales, as you may have noticed through the increased rise in ticket prices. Some even invade our privacy and download it onto our iPhones for free, but the less said about the Apple and ‘UPoo’ debacle the better!

Beatport is looking to take buying music to the next level with their new ‘Pro’ account edition which is currently only available to Mac users. An application that is allegedly ‘made by DJs for DJs’, the Pro account allows an easier way to organise your music, and of course, buy it.

Beatport Pro offers users the chance to create and manage play lists, which is perfect if you like to mix up the electronic genres in your trolley. You can now keep the latest Shogun Audio promo in your D&B folder whilst the latest Dusky release can be neatly tucked away in your Deep House folder. You can now even tag your collections with different attributes to really pinpoint and filter down your musical library. Each track can be given a specific tag for when it should be played which is nice. So whether it’s a hands in the air moment or the perfect sunset song, you’ll know exactly when to select this tune from your laptop armoury.

Beatport Pro syncs perfectly with Traktor, iTunes, Serato and Rekordbox so you can share your music library with all of these popular applications with ease. Plus it’s absolutely free to download for any Mac user with OS X Mountain Lion or more recent.

 > > click here to download Beatport Pro for Mac free

If you use both Mac and Beatport, why not download the software for free and give it a whirl. We’ve just downloaded it ourselves and are checking it out as we speak, so will get back to you on whether we think this is a hit or a miss. We can then compare notes and see if it’s better than being at the back of the queue at Black Market Records!