Garnish Music Production School

MUSPR 347 | Getting Work in Music

Unit Title: Getting Work in Music

Credit Value: 15


The traditional models and income streams within the music industry are changing and so therefore are the ways people within the supply chain are working. Developing a portfolio of skills into services can provide a more sustainable income stream and spread the risk across a range of employers, contracts, projects and partnerships. Practitioners are creating broad portfolios of work that enable them to maintain their own creative enterprise alongside project based work and other consultancy services.

Practitioners need to fully understand their own skills and how they can be packaged and offered to third parties as consultants or suppliers into their projects. The skills and knowledge they can also ‘sell’ will allow them to be more sustainable while they invest time into their own creative work.


This unit will enable learners to develop the skills and strategies for generating work and income within the UK music industry. Learners will analyze and evaluate the different requirements and methods for generating work and income as a self employed supplier as well as a creative enterprise. The learner will develop materials to promote themselves and understand how to communicate effectively in business to business (B2B) context.

This unit encourages learners to explore their area of interest and cross-reference this with their own skill set. From here learners can evaluate their readiness for portfolio based careers and identify any development needs or extra skills development they may need to undertake.

Skills Development

Learning in this area will support the development of the following specialist and transferable skills:

Specialist Knowledge and Skills

Music Industry Knowledge:

The music industry supply chain – overview

Key Employers – industry organisations and institutions

Roles and functions within supply chain – business classification

o The creative – artist / performer / producer / designer

o IP business – record companies / music publishing / collection societyo Sales and distribution – distributors / retail / merchandise

o Business services – management / lawyers / accountantso Marketing – media / promotions / services

o Live and Events – agent / promoter / tour manager / technicalo Training / Education

Employment in the industry







Self-employment in the industry


Taxation and responsibilities

o Promoting services / selling yourself as an individual



Personal skills audit

Personal skills development

Action planning for career development

Music Industry Skills

Developing strategies for work and self employment in the music industry

Skills analysis / skills audit

Career planning

CV writing

Demonstrating a portfolio of work experience through self employment

Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS)

Independent Enquirers;

Learner will evaluate feedback and advice, judging its relevance and value and redefine their product in order to support conclusions using reasoned arguments and evidence

Creative Thinkers;

Learners will generate new ideas based on input and feedback and will learn to question assumptions. They will learn to understand and manage change.

Reflective Learners;

Learners will reflect on the breadth and depth of the feedback and advice they receive and learn to evaluate this in conjunction with their own skill base. They will work in a time conscious manner and will set goals for personal and professional development based on their reflections.

Team Workers;

Learners will collaborate with peers and staff to offer feedback to others, as well as receiving it themselves. They will learn to show fairness and consideration to others and will learn to offer and receive constructive criticism.


Learners will begin to take responsibility for their own careers and learn to manage this in line with the expectations of a job marketplace and portfolio careers. They will set own goals for development and responding positively to new priorities and opportunities.

Effective Participators;

Learners will set feedback against criteria and be expected to justify their opinions. They will also have to justify their own opinions on their own careers and the decisions they make in relation to their skills base and development.

Functional Skills @ Level 2


Speaking, listening and communication – present information clearly and ensure it is relevant to audience. Select read and compare texts – interpret other information and use to inform presentation


Finding and selecting information – use appropriate search techniques for research and evidence Developing, presenting and communicating information – use communications software for presentations

Employability Skills

Commercial Awareness


Working independently

Action planning

Decision making

Problem solving

Comms (non-verbal)

Comms (written)

Creative thinking


Striving for Excellence



Creative Thinking

Own Skills Awareness

Study Skills

Research skills Assimilating information Critical thinking skills Evaluation skills Synthesizing information Creative thinking Problem solving

Presentation and communication Use of language and spoken word ICT skills


Learning Outcomes

The learner will:

1. Establish strategies for generating sustainable income in the UK music industry.

Unit Content

This unit should act as a career development unit that is driven by activity and content from the learners other units in the programme. It should highlight portfolio work and the opportunities available for practitioners to sell their skills and knowledge as a service. The unit should focus them on one particular area within the industry in which they are interested and then identify 3 roles within the sector that they might undertake, or wish to undertake. From here an analysis of skills required for each role and the personal attributes required can be cross-referenced so the learner to evaluate their own skills and attributes in line with the role.

Tutors should ensure the following areas are covered in delivery:

Music Industry Knowledge:

The music industry supply chain – overview

Key Employers – industry organisations and institutions

Roles and functions within supply chain – business classification

o The creative – artist / performer / producer / designer

o IP business – record companies / music publishing / collection societyo Sales and distribution – distributors / retail / merchandise

o Business services – management / lawyers / accountantso Marketing – media / promotions / services

o Live and Events – agent / promoter / tour manager / technicalo Training / Education

Employment in the industry







Self-employment in the industry


Taxation and responsibilities

o Promoting services / selling yourself as an individual



Personal skills audit

Personal skills development

Action planning for career development

Music Industry Skills

Developing strategies for work and self employment in the music industry

Skills analysis / Skills audit

Career planning

CV writing

Demonstrating a portfolio of work experience through self employment

Suggested Delivery Ideas

Lecture – large group sessions will establish the main components of the music industry supply chain and the roles and functions within it. It will analyse the skills relevant to each sub sector and introduce a discussion around skills development.

Seminar – Small group sessions can be used to support the learners to develop further their individual skills evaluation and contextualise themselves within music industry supply chain.

Workshop – Role-play a scenario where learners can pitch their personal qualities as suppliers looking for project work or as a potential employee looking for work.

Guest Speakers – inviting human resources representative to discuss job roles and the expectations as an employer, or a career services visit

Field Trip – Visits to career fares and industry events can be used to focus learner’s activity and require them to retrieve information for later analysis

Suggested Activity Ideas

A range of activities that stimulate learners with a wide range of learning styles is desirable for this unit. Activities could include:

Industry related Activities

Presentation on individual areas of supply chain e.g. Business services / IP exploitation companies / retail & distribution / live sector and the difference between each

Presentation on areas of employment and roles within each and attributes required to work in that sub sector.

Role play – interview panel

Role play – supplier pitching for contract work Guest speakers

CV and/ or website development Careers fair

Networking events

Personal Development Activities

o Job specifications and person specso Skills analysis

o Skills development

o Action planning for skills development

o Researching relevant training opportunities oIdentifying potential portfolio work

Summative Assessment Methods

To evidence learning learners will:

1.1 Evaluate three roles or functions within supply chain or areas of work in the music industry relevant to their own personal objectives. Assess the specialist and employability skills and related materials, which may be required to promote themselves for work in those areas.

1.2Devise and explain personal strategies to generate revenue from each area of work identified in 1.1 and how they may be used independently or combined to produce a sustainable income. Evaluate whether this will be best approach as a potential employee or freelance supplier and explain why.

1.3Evaluate the learning in 1.1 and 1.2 by assembling a portfolio which focuses on the expectations of the potential areas of work identified in 1.2 (this may be self- employment), creating a range of materials e.g. a

CV, a business proposal, and a pitch to a given brief appropriate to each

Recommended Evidence

This unit is best assessed through one e-portfolio. Learners can gather all the research information they need and present evidence for all 3 criteria within one portfolio. This will enable them to have a real world skills portfolio that acts as a legacy for the learner after they complete the course.

The e-portfolio should contain

1.1An evaluation of 3 job roles in the industry relating to the learners career path. The evaluation should assess skills and attributes required to work in the role. Learners should also demonstrate and understanding of appropriate methods for getting work in each defined area.

1.2A strategic plan showing the skills development the learner intends to undertake to target the area. This could take the form of an ILP showing unit choices and outcomes within the qualification. It should also

highlight any professional and external training that may need to be undertaken.

1.3 An evaluation of the learning journey with appropriate materials for getting work including CV’s, business plans etc.

Grading Criteria

Unit Aim

This unit will enable learners to develop the skills and strategies for generating work and income within the UK music industry. Learners will analyze and evaluate the different requirements and methods for generating work and income as a self employed supplier as well as a creative enterprise. The learner will develop materials to promote themselves and understand how to communicate effectively in business to business (B2B) context.


A learner not on course to achieve this unit might evidence a significant number of the following:

1. Little or no understanding of potential work opportunity identified as being of relevance to their personal objectives. Personal objectives are undefined, or unrefined. Little or no understanding of the specialist and employability skills relevant to each area. Little or no understanding of the types of material relevant to promoting themselves for work in these areas.

2. Little or no understanding of the principles behind generating revenue from each area of work. Little or no understanding of how to devise personal strategies for the generation of income. Little or no ability to plan, prioritise and combine work opportunities. Little or no understanding of the principles relevant to sustaining a viable portfolio career.

3. The portfolio of materials is not justifiable as relevant to obtaining work in the chosen areas. There may be significant omissions.


To achieve a pass, all learners must:

1. Evidence an understanding of three areas of music industry work identified as being of relevance to their personal objectives. There must be evidence of an understanding of the specialist and employability skills relevant to each area and of an appreciation of the types of material relevant to promoting themselves for work in these areas.

2. Understand the principles behind generating revenue from each area of work. The creation of personal strategies will evidence an ability to plan and prioritise in order to combine work opportunities relevant to sustaining a portfolio career.

3. Show an understanding of the expectations of each potential area of work by generating a portfolio of materials relevant to evidencing possession of key requirements for obtaining work in those areas.


To achieve a merit, learners should:

1. Evidence a thorough understanding of three areas of music industry work identified as being of relevance to their personal objectives. There will be clear, well defined evidence of an objective understanding of the specialist and employability skills relevant to each area and of a detailed, appreciation of the types of material relevant to promoting themselves for work in these areas.

2. Evidence a thorough understanding of the principles behind generating revenue from each area of work. The creation of well-defined, detailed personal strategies will evidence an ability to plan and prioritise confidently in order to combine work opportunities effectively, relevant to sustaining a varied portfolio career.

3. Evidence a thorough understanding of the expectations of each potential area of work by generating a well-structured portfolio of materials relevant to evidencing clearly and definitively the possession of key requirements for obtaining work in those areas.


To achieve a distinction, learners should:

1. Evidence a comprehensive understanding of three areas of music industry work identified as being of relevance to their personal objectives. There will be expansive, clear, well-defined evidence of an objective understanding of the specialist and employability skills relevant to each area of work. There will be a detailed and perceptive appreciation of the types of material relevant to promoting themselves for work in these areas.

2. Evidence a comprehensive understanding of the principles behind generating revenue from each area of work. The creation of mature, well-defined, detailed personal strategies will evidence a steadfast ability to plan and prioritise clearly and confidently in order to combine work opportunities effectively, relevant to sustaining a viable and varied portfolio career.

3. Evidence a complete understanding of the expectations of each potential area of work by generating an expansive, well structured and well thought out portfolio of materials relevant to evidencing clearly, insightfully and definitively the possession of key requirements for obtaining work in those areas.

Links to National Occupational Standards

This unit is derived from elements of the following NOS for Music Practitioners:

Map to the NOS for Music Composers, Performers and Music Technologist

Links to other areas of the MUSPRA qualifications

Knowledge and skills developed in this area may be utilised to underpin activities relating to:

This unit links well to a range of units and can be used to track professional and personal skills development in the form of an ILP. Useful units include

Revenue in the Music Industry

Careers in Music

Music Industry management

MUSPR Getting Work in Music

Credit Value 15

QCF Level 3

Assessment Framework

Learning Outcomes

Through completion of this unit, the learner will be able to:

1. Establish strategies for generating sustainable income in the UK music industry.

Assessment Requirements

The learner can:

1.1 Evaluate three areas of work in the music industry relevant to their own personal objectives. Assess the specialist and employability skills and related materials, which may be required to promote themselves for work in those areas.

1.2Devise and explain personal strategies to generate revenue from each area of work identified in 1.1 and how they may be combined or used independently, to produce a sustainable income.

1.3Evaluate the learning in 1.1 and 1.2 by assembling a portfolio that focuses on the expectations of the potential areas of work identified in 1.2 (this may be self- employment), creating a range of materials e.g. a

CV, a business proposal, and a pitch to a given brief etc., appropriate to each area.