Garnish Music Production School

Hari Karam Singh’s Sound Wand

Hi guys and girls,

I’m Hari Karam Singh, inventor and founder of Sound Wand, a motion-based, music controller technology which runs on the iPhone/iPod Touch. I’m looking for help with a couple of things, one of which is a paid part time role that you can do in your spare time. First maybe a quick video:

…and some details…

About Sound Wand

Right now there is a massive uncharted musical opportunity between the analogue and digital spectrums. Traditional instruments have “feel,” which knobs, buttons and faders lack. A keen ear can distinguish a guitarist just by how they play a single note. Current digital tools lack this sensitivity and this creates a rift between the energy of the musician and that of the music that he/she creates.

Sound Wand is a Human Interface Technology for mobile devices which makes it possible to perform and compose with electronic instruments using natural gestures, like with physical ones. It captures that dynamic feel and performance energy, and merges it with the unlimited possibilities in digital music…

…Might you be interested in helping me with any of the following?

Early Adopters

Send me an email, I’ll send you a promo code (saves you 7 quid).  If you’d like we can plan an evening at the school and I’ll help you get up and running and show you some of the possibilities. Use the app, send me some music/video if you like and I’ll publish it through our channels. You’ll also get releases of new features before they hit the public…forever 🙂

A Community Maestro (paid, part time)

I’m looking for someone interested in a few hundred extra pounds a month spending cash in exchange for which you’d help me with the following activities:

1. Creating music with Sound Wand and spreading the word on forums, particularly, Ableton, Cycling 74, Native Instruments, KVR, Gearslutz, etc.

2. Finding and helping me reach out to top performing artists, their agents, studios and other key people.  Emailing/networking basically – an invaluable skill and also an excuse to expand your own network.

You could work wherever and whenever you want. It’s a role that would likely grow over time if you wanted it to.  I guarantee you’d learn something along the way that would benefit your career – I know I have.

A Sound Wand Orchestra

If you and some gorgeous mates were keen to perfect and video a piece of live music using say, 5-10 Sound Wand’s, I’d arrange for the filming and pay you all for it. It’s not an easy task, but get in touch if you think you are up to it. (P.S. you’re all gorgeous so don’t let that stop you ;))

For more info, contact Hari!


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